Interface GroupedNotificationsResults

interface GroupedNotificationsResults {
    accounts: mastodon.v1.Account[];
    notificationGroups: (
        | never
        | never
        | never
        | FollowNotificationGroup
        | FollowRequestNotificationGroup
        | never
        | never
        | never
        | AdminSignUpNotificationGroup
        | never
        | never
        | never)[];
    partialAccounts?: PartialAccountWithAvatar[];
    statuses: Status[];


accounts: mastodon.v1.Account[]

Accounts referenced by grouped notifications.

notificationGroups: (
    | never
    | never
    | never
    | FollowNotificationGroup
    | FollowRequestNotificationGroup
    | never
    | never
    | never
    | AdminSignUpNotificationGroup
    | never
    | never
    | never)[]

The grouped notifications themselves.

partialAccounts?: PartialAccountWithAvatar[]

Partial accounts referenced by grouped notifications. Those are only returned when requesting grouped notifications with expand_accounts=partial_avatars.

statuses: Status[]

Statuses referenced by grouped notifications.