Interface Status

Represents a status posted by an account.

interface Status {
    account: mastodon.v1.Account;
    application: Application;
    bookmarked?: null | boolean;
    card?: null | PreviewCard;
    content: string;
    createdAt: string;
    editedAt: null | string;
    emojis: CustomEmoji[];
    favourited?: null | boolean;
    favouritesCount: number;
    filtered?: FilterResult[];
    id: string;
    inReplyToAccountId?: null | string;
    inReplyToId?: null | string;
    language?: null | string;
    mediaAttachments: MediaAttachment[];
    mentions: StatusMention[];
    muted?: null | boolean;
    pinned?: null | boolean;
    poll?: null | Poll;
    reblog?: null | Status;
    reblogged?: null | boolean;
    reblogsCount: number;
    repliesCount: number;
    sensitive: boolean;
    spoilerText: string;
    tags: mastodon.v1.Tag[];
    text?: null | string;
    uri: string;
    url?: null | string;
    visibility: StatusVisibility;


The account that authored this status.

application: Application

The application used to post this status.

bookmarked?: null | boolean

Have you bookmarked this status?

card?: null | PreviewCard

Preview card for links included within status content.

content: string

HTML-encoded status content.

createdAt: string

The date when this status was created.

editedAt: null | string

Timestamp of when the status was last edited.

emojis: CustomEmoji[]

Custom emoji to be used when rendering status content.

favourited?: null | boolean

Have you favourited this status?

favouritesCount: number

How many favourites this status has received.

filtered?: FilterResult[]

If the current token has an authorized user: The filter and keywords that matched this status.

id: string

ID of the status in the database.

inReplyToAccountId?: null | string

ID of the account being replied to.

inReplyToId?: null | string

ID of the status being replied.

language?: null | string

Primary language of this status.

mediaAttachments: MediaAttachment[]

Media that is attached to this status.

mentions: StatusMention[]

Mentions of users within the status content.

muted?: null | boolean

Have you muted notifications for this status's conversation?

pinned?: null | boolean

Have you pinned this status? Only appears if the status is pin-able.

poll?: null | Poll

The poll attached to the status.

reblog?: null | Status

The status being reblogged.

reblogged?: null | boolean

Have you boosted this status?

reblogsCount: number

How many boosts this status has received.

repliesCount: number

How many replies this status has received.

sensitive: boolean

Is this status marked as sensitive content?

spoilerText: string

Subject or summary line, below which status content is collapsed until expanded.

tags: mastodon.v1.Tag[]

Hashtags used within the status content.

text?: null | string

Plain-text source of a status. Returned instead of content when status is deleted, so the user may redraft from the source text without the client having to reverse-engineer the original text from the HTML content.

uri: string

URI of the status used for federation.

url?: null | string

A link to the status's HTML representation.

visibility: StatusVisibility

Visibility of this status.