Interface Instance

Represents the software instance of Mastodon running on this domain.

interface Instance {
    apiVersions: InstanceApiVersions;
    configuration: mastodon.v2.InstanceConfiguration;
    contact: InstanceContact;
    description: string;
    domain: string;
    icon: InstanceIcon[];
    languages: string[];
    registrations: InstanceRegistrations;
    rules: Rule[];
    sourceUrl: string;
    thumbnail: InstanceThumbnail;
    title: string;
    usage: InstanceUsage;
    version: string;


apiVersions: InstanceApiVersions

Information about which version of the API is implemented by this server. It contains at least a mastodon attribute, and other implementations may have their own additional attributes.

Configured values and limits for this website.

Hints related to contacting a representative of the website.

description: string

A short, plain-text description defined by the admin.

domain: string

The domain name of the instance.

icon: InstanceIcon[]

The list of available size variants for this instance configured icon.

languages: string[]

Primary languages of the website and its staff.

registrations: InstanceRegistrations

Information about registering for this website.

rules: Rule[]

An itemized list of rules for this website.

sourceUrl: string

The URL for the source code of the software running on this instance, in keeping with AGPL license requirements.

An image used to represent this instance

title: string

The title of the website.

Usage data for this instance.

version: string

The version of Mastodon installed on the instance.