Interface Instance

Represents the software instance of Mastodon running on this domain.

interface Instance {
    approvalRequired: boolean;
    configuration: mastodon.v1.InstanceConfiguration;
    contactAccount?: null | mastodon.v1.Account;
    description: string;
    email: string;
    invitesEnabled: boolean;
    languages: string[];
    registrations: boolean;
    rules?: null | Rule[];
    shortDescription: string;
    stats: InstanceStats;
    thumbnail?: null | string;
    title: string;
    uri: string;
    urls: InstanceURLs;
    version: string;


approvalRequired: boolean

Whether registrations require moderator approval.

List various values like file size limits and supported mime types

contactAccount?: null | mastodon.v1.Account

A user that can be contacted, as an alternative to email.

description: string

Admin-defined description of the Mastodon site.

email: string

An email that may be contacted for any inquiries.

invitesEnabled: boolean

Whether invitation in enabled

languages: string[]

Primary languages of the website and its staff.

registrations: boolean

Whether registrations are enabled.

rules?: null | Rule[]
shortDescription: string

A shorter description defined by the admin.

Statistics about how much information the instance contains.

thumbnail?: null | string

Banner image for the website.

title: string

The title of the website.

uri: string

The domain name of the instance.

URLs of interest for clients apps.

version: string

The version of Mastodon installed on the instance.