Interface FetchUnreadCountParams

interface FetchUnreadCountParams {
    accountId?: null | string;
    excludeTypes?: null | readonly (
        | "mention"
        | "status"
        | "reblog"
        | "follow"
        | "follow_request"
        | "favourite"
        | "poll"
        | "update"
        | "admin.sign_up"
        | ""
        | "severed_relationships"
        | "moderation_warning")[];
    limit?: null | number;
    types?: null | readonly (
        | "mention"
        | "status"
        | "reblog"
        | "follow"
        | "follow_request"
        | "favourite"
        | "poll"
        | "update"
        | "admin.sign_up"
        | ""
        | "severed_relationships"
        | "moderation_warning")[];


accountId?: null | string

Only count unread notifications received from the specified account.

excludeTypes?: null | readonly (
    | "mention"
    | "status"
    | "reblog"
    | "follow"
    | "follow_request"
    | "favourite"
    | "poll"
    | "update"
    | "admin.sign_up"
    | ""
    | "severed_relationships"
    | "moderation_warning")[]

Types of notifications that should not count towards unread notifications.

limit?: null | number

Maximum number of results to return. Defaults to 100 notifications. Max 1000 notifications.

types?: null | readonly (
    | "mention"
    | "status"
    | "reblog"
    | "follow"
    | "follow_request"
    | "favourite"
    | "poll"
    | "update"
    | "admin.sign_up"
    | ""
    | "severed_relationships"
    | "moderation_warning")[]

Types of notifications that should count towards unread notifications.