Interface CreateStatusParamsWithStatus

interface CreateStatusParamsWithStatus {
    allowedMentions?: null | readonly string[];
    inReplyToId?: null | string;
    language?: null | string;
    mediaIds?: undefined;
    poll?: null | CreateStatusPollParam;
    sensitive?: null | boolean;
    spoilerText?: null | string;
    status: string;
    visibility?: null | StatusVisibility;

Hierarchy (view full)


allowedMentions?: null | readonly string[]
inReplyToId?: null | string

ID of the status being replied to, if status is a reply

language?: null | string

ISO 639 language code for this status.

mediaIds?: undefined

Array of Attachment ids to be attached as media. If provided, status becomes optional, and poll cannot be used.

poll?: null | CreateStatusPollParam
sensitive?: null | boolean

Mark status and attached media as sensitive?

spoilerText?: null | string

Text to be shown as a warning or subject before the actual content. Statuses are generally collapsed behind this field.

status: string

Text content of the status. If media_ids is provided, this becomes optional. Attaching a poll is optional while status is provided.

visibility?: null | StatusVisibility

Visibility of the posted status. Enumerable oneOf public, unlisted, private, direct.