Interface CreateTokenWithPasswordParams

interface CreateTokenWithPasswordParams {
    clientId: string;
    clientSecret: string;
    grantType: "password";
    password: string;
    redirectUri: string;
    scope?: null | string;
    username: string;


  • BaseCreateTokenParams<"password">
    • CreateTokenWithPasswordParams


clientId: string

The client ID, obtained during app registration.

clientSecret: string

The client secret, obtained during app registration.


Set equal to authorization_code if code is provided in order to gain user-level access. Otherwise, set equal to client_credentials to obtain app-level access only.

password: string
redirectUri: string

Set a URI to redirect the user to. If this parameter is set to urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob then the token will be shown instead. Must match one of the redirect_uris declared during app registration.

scope?: null | string

List of requested OAuth scopes, separated by spaces (or by pluses, if using query parameters). If code was provided, then this must be equal to the scope requested from the user. Otherwise, it must be a subset of scopes declared during app registration. If not provided, defaults to read.

username: string